Preparation of Green Sencha Tsuyuhikari
Green Sencha Tsuyuhikari is best brewed in a preheated small teapot (or kyusu). Use 1 tsp. tea per cup and pour over the water when it has cooled slightly (70 degrees). Let the tea steep for 1 minute the first time. Pour all the water into another pot to mix the tea and then into small cups. The tea leaves can be reused 2-3 times. For the 2nd brew, steep the tea for only 1 second as the leaves are already wet.
The leaves can be used 2 - 3 times.
Tips & Tricks
If you only brew one cup/glass at a time, you can use a kopsi, which allows the leaves to float freely and release the fine aroma. When using a kopsi, you can also brew on the leaves again.
By small pot we mean Japanese Tokoname teapot with internal strainer. The advantage of the small pot is that you brew 1-2 cups at a time and then add more tempered water when you're ready for the next cup. This allows you to utilise the potential of the leaves by brewing several times, and you get the experience of a fresh cup of tea.
Store in a dry and cool place.