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Knowledge about Tea

Tea Knowledge

Tea, Camelia Sinensis, is an evergreen plant. Green and black tea originate from the same plant, but develop differently in the processing of the leaves.

Tea is believed to have originated in China, where Emperor Shen Nung, a scientist and plant collector, discovered tea. For hygiene reasons he only drank boiled water and one day in 2737 BC, while resting under a wild tea bush, the wind caused a few leaves to fall into the boiling water he was preparing.

He found the result refreshing and extremely tasty, and the tea was "discovered". Tea should be stored properly, preferably in airtight and light-proof packaging.

Gentle cooking

Tea needs to be prepared with some care. It is important that the water quality is good, especially for green and light-coloured teas. If the water is very calcareous where you live, you may want to use a filter jug.

Boiling the water for brewing tea is crucial. Never allow the water to boil to the point of boiling, as this will deplete the oxygen. Remove the kettle as soon as the water boils.

Glasses or teapots for tea brewing should always be preheated before starting to brew tea.

The right equipment

There's a lot of tea brewing equipment out there, and some are obviously better than others.

Most importantly, you need to find a method that suits your own needs and temperament and ensures that the tea is utilised optimally by allowing the tea to flow freely during steeping.

Seek guidance wherever you buy your tea.